For this one I used an Oatmeal box. I

I also didn’t have any tissue paper for the pictures so I grabbed a cloth I use for decorating! The effect is awesome and I’m thinking of pulling out scraps to wrap presents in! WAY easer to keep that then a lot of wrapping paper that has been taped and re-taped and wrinkled!
The handles are made out of some rope that came with curtains I got a garage sale. I like the look of them but I won’t use them again due to the bulky knots.

I was watching the kids play with a jump rope this morning and realized that would make some great looking handles!

And since I got this jumprope from a garage sale last year for about 10 cents it will be perfect! The handles are broken, but the kids will probably get yet more fun out of it…but I could just cut of what I want and let them play with the rest of it. I need another cereal box first though! Lol!

And this is what I love. Taking what I have and changing it to be something else. No cost other than glue and I found a neat way to avoid using costly tissue wrap as well!
Linking to:
I LOVE this idea! What a fab way to reuse food boxes and I could use up scraps of ribbon too! This makes me want to get right to work! It would be great to have a few of these ready to go for the next time I need to grab a gift off my gift shelf. I have little odds and ends that I've gathered from here and there, some freebies, some clearance items. Thanks for sharing!