My husband had gone to Joplin Mo to help with the disaster relief and I kept my pregnant self at home with the kids. Oh, how I wish I could have gone!
And on top of that my close friend was getting married in Pennsylvania that day. It was a trip we decided against due to the long trip and being 8 months pregnant. (We live in Oklahoma. and for the record, we were pregnant before she got engaged. I just made the mistake of saying she couldn’t get married the month the baby was due. I didn’t mention we couldn’t even fly the month before that!) It was a terribly hard decision and though I couldn’t regret the wisdom of our choice, I did have to live with the regret that I wasn’t there.
So it seemed like everyone had somewhere to go and something to do but me. I know…poor me. Ukk. Ok, so what did I do? I went thrifting!

I got almost a dozen clothing items to resell from 99 cent day at the thrift store, then I hit up the surrounding areas for garage sales. The pickings were slim. It seems like a few people do annual garage sales on memorial weekend and then other people don’t even try for it.
I tried a few and ended up at one that had some promising kid items. Seeing I was pregnant they started mentioning things they would recommend. I wasn’t interested but I did eye some wooden twin beds they had laying out.
Now let me explain. I have my two kids currently in the same room. This gives us a spare guest room/ office which is nice. Once the baby comes I plan on putting bunk beds in there for the older two and the baby will go in a crib then toddler bed. I got a really nice solid wooden bunk bed for $10 without mattress’ (have those) at a garage sale last summer, we didn’t need them then but I sent them to my parents to store until we had another baby and needed it.
It wasn’t a fancy bunk bed. It had solid wooden head/footboards so it could only be used for bunk beds, and a nice ladder, but really it all needed to be stripped and re-stained from wear. And it didn’t have any side board to keep the kids from rolling off.
The beds at this garage sale looked like this:

The only reason I asked about it is they reminded me of twin beds I saw at a friends house. They have two girls and their beds were matching white. I don’t think they were bunk but they were very cute and crisp in their room. And these headboard reminded me of those beds. So I asked the price.

“Um…$10 each” was the answer. I groaned. If she had said $20 each I could have walked away.
“Are they bunks?”
“Yes, but the ladder is broken so they are only good for being separate.”
“Not if you have a handy husband like mine they aren’t!” I thought
“Will you take $15 for both of them?”
If she said no then I could walk away right?
She said yes, helped me load and unscrew the pieces and got all the hardware labeled in a bag for me. And she threw in the broken ladder.
I haven’t set it up yet. I’m not crazy about orange wood so I’m painting it. Don’t hate me. I usually like the natural look better but these bed either needed stripped and re-stained or painted. I chose painting since it is cheaper (I have the paint) and easier.
All of that project will be posted later. Here is what I believe it will look like when it is assembled.

Actually the ladder is just fine. I started painting it right before it got too dark tonight. The parts that are broken are the slates the ladder hooks onto. I think I can just get new slates for it and drill holes. Anyway, you will see the finished (not orange) product as soon as I finish it and get pictures taken! I’m pretty excited. And the fact that the beds come apart will make them useful for as long as the kids are in my house.
Now to just find a new home for the $10 bunk beds that are at my parents house…maybe I can sell it for $25 to pay for both cost of bunk beds!
Oh yes! And when my hubby got home and I told him I got something we absolutely don’t need he responded with, “You got a bed.” Lol! He wasn’t thrilled to say the least, but when I told him the price and that she talked down from her original price he was hoping I got the whole thing for $10…yes, always wanting the lowest dollar. I think I would have felt bad if she would have sold it for $10 with all the help they did loading it for me!
Thrift Share Monday