It has been too long since I last did a round up!
I was reminded that you can sell anything when I saw on another blog selling Dave Ramsey Financial peace pieces. I’ve had this around for ages. I didn’t ever used the envelops from Dave Ramsey because I always made my own. I have been holding these for ages. Now I just made a couple of bucks on them AND I don’t have them sitting around my house! Score! And someone else got a GREAT deal on these. I think they sell for $15.
Financial Peace Univ. Envelope system/ Dave Ramsey
These leather pants were interesting. I had someone ask if they would work for a guy. I said I didn’t know but all the measurments where there. He said he wanted them but I would need to repost them since they had expired by then. So put them up again with a low Buy it Now price of $6.50. I rarely go this low on BIN but I figured they would sell to the person who asked those questions and with a low BIN I would get a few more bucks out of them. I was right! He bought them and to my surprise he lives in Australia. That is a long way to ship leather pants!
Leather pants.Maxima Wilsons size 10 Fully lined.
I got really excited when I realized these Liz Lange Shorts have gone for around $12 on Ebay. I wasn’t so lucky, but I still made money and that is ALWAYS the goal right?
LIZ LANGE MATERNITY No Panel Shorts Grey Linen L
These Tennis skirts from Addidas or Nike always go fabulously. Even with a terrible picture. I posted these and by the next day they were sold for the BIN price of $14.50. I then did some research and found they can go for $30 if they are new on Ebay. Definitely keeping my eyes open for name brand tennis skirts!
Nike Tennis Skirt Size 4-6 black fit-dry
Maternity clothing is a win/miss. You never know if they will sell or not. These did just fine and are very comfy, (yes, I’m regretting selling them. I should have waited 2 more months until I have this baby!)
Motherhood maternity size Small capri
This skirt went crazy! I would guess name brand makes a large difference with leather. Used to be it didn’t matter on Ebay. Leather always sells, but not always this well. I just got a ton of bids.
Croft and Barrow Lambskin Black Leather skirt size 10 $10.59
On this Chico’s skirt this lady sent me a note after buying saying that she was so excited about this skirt & to let her know when they shipped. Well, I was going to ship them as I left town but I couldn’t get to the PO so I emailed her and told her I would try to ship them while on my trip. She was very nice but when I emailed her back saying I had found a place and that I had shipped them she actually seemed offended that I had tried so hard. Guess you can’t please them all! (the po was .4 miles from my hotel!-I didn’t try that hard!)

Women's Black skirt Chico's design size 2 (Med 12-14)
Land’s End swim clothes seem to do better then their other clothing items.
Lands End size 15 Swim skirt Pink with design
Once again I realize that Ebay doesn’t need a great picture to sell items! People know what they want and they go to Ebay to get them! Love that, specially when I realize how bad some of these photos are! Sometimes it just isn’t worth the time to retake the pictures when they sell well anyway.
Women's Gap khaki slacks Size 14 ANK $6.00
Name brand athletic wear. Once again, always does well!
Women's black Adidas shorts M
It was a crazy week so I don’t have totals but thought everyone would be encouraged by knowing what sold for me!
Great job. I haven't offically done a post..but Dave Ramsey sells FANTASTIC. Remember to ask me about it. Love seeing your round up. I've gotten a few ideas from you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this! I bought a little girl's nike tennis skort after seeing your post. Never would've picked it up before then. I'm so glad to see what sells for everyone. I've gotten really discouraged lately...things have been SLOW...and I so need them to go FAST!! Anyhow, such is life :)