Monday, August 8, 2011

Cloudy? Take it outside!

I just got back from the clothing store and took the tags of my clothing items and took them outside to take pictures. Why? Because today is cloudy and that means great lighting.



Now I know with this crazy weather going outside isn’t the best idea! But if you have a cloudy day take those pictures outside for several reasons!


  1. You will get the best lighting possible.
  2. The green grass and just plum different setting then all the other pictures on eBay & will catch the customer’s eye!


I’ve notice that many people on Etsy take pictures outside with amazing results. Lookers look at things like that! Even if they are just wondering if you have green carpet in your house! They will blow up that picture bigger.


(And yes, I’m selling that little guy but after taking this picture I’m second guessing myself! He is so cute!)

1 comment:

  1. Okay..that guy looks very cute sitting in the grass. I would defintely hit him with the mower though. I run over EVERYTHING!
