This is made from one of those knicknack box I always saw at garage sales but never bought cuz I didn’t want to have a billion knicknacks that meant very little to me! I saw the idea for these in Apron Thrift Girl’s blog and immediate found this box in a garage sale for 50 cents!
I purchased the paper from Michael’s for about 39 cents each (I needed 3 pages.) It is hard to find pages that match when you see all those pages at the store and continually change your color ideas! I love the print I ended up with though. I also chose what my grandmother calls “‘dirty paper” (“You bought that?” she said!) a print that had the worn look I wanted to bring out in the wood.

As I went to add the paper I was plesently surprise to find that the divider board’s glue has deteriorated and they are now removable. If I would have planned on that I would have just slipped a whole sheet of paper under them. But alas, I had already made the tedious cuts! I used double sided foam tape in areas I couldn’t tuck under the dividers.
One sheet didn’t fit all the way up, -which bothers my husband more than myself- but rather than try to match the paper I left it, thinking it would be easy to change if I ever needed too.

My earrings are an easy style to hang up on nails but I did want to take one divided square and place a cork board there for my stud earrings. (Above is the “dirty paper!” LOl!)

I placed my rings in the bottom shelf and so far the is working for me. Might hang them up someday but not yet.
I found a 12″ x12″ cork board at a thrift shop that was broken and only 48 cents. I can do that! I cut out a piece and here is my last touch on my board! Now I can add my stud earrings!

Here is another great post by Kara, a local friend and blogger who made a jewelry box with the same idea, but she lays her flat! For me I have more room on my walls then drawer space!

ReplyDeletewhat a fab idea! I love this! Thanks for sharing! I might just have to get myself busy with that project!
Super re-do. Great idea.