Saturday, January 14, 2012

Posting like there’s no tomorrow!

Well, when I decided to get back into EBay sales after my time off I jumped in with both feet!

I posted around 25 items tomorrow and today reorganized my storage system. We live in a 1400 square foot home, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and no place for EBay stuff!

This might be a good thing because it keeps me in check…sort of. Kinda. Not really at all.

Our spare room is our catch all for…well, everything. It is my husband’s office/ spare room/ coat closet and the-room-with-the-closet-I-keep-my-vacuum in.

My office is in the master bedroom where I keep the whole room in a natural disaster state. But I’m trying to figure out a way to fix that.

Here’s what I did. I went dumpster diving.


Ok, I didn’t QUITE look like that but I needed boxes. Boxes that were uniform size. And free. Definitely free. Did you know that behind many stores they have these dumpsters for ONLY cardboard. I guess they recycle them. I HOPE they recycle them. Because that would mean I’m pulling them out of the dumpster to use them for what they were put in the dumpster for in the first place! I think.

I found a bunch of boxes all the same size. And after filling up a couple of them with unsellable junk I started organizing the sellable stuff. First I have a 18 gallon tote for the stuff not listed. That is in my office. In our spare room/ office/vacuum/coat closet room I have this behind the multipurpose closet door:


Then I put the rest in these:


First off: I’ve never been in Ulta. But I have been in their cardboard dumpster several times.

Now, I know you are probably thinking, Uk! I wouldn’t want that in my house! Well, This is better than having them strewn all over or shoved in a closet like they were. Now when something sells I can just pull out which box it is in and stick it in the crate on top. (Who wants to bet the next thing that sells is pants? All the way on the bottom. Yea, haven’t figured out everything yet!)

Now I still don’t know what to do with the stuff that doesn’t sell. I guess I need to have a box for the its-just-not-selling-and-needs-to-get-out-of-my-house stuff. I’ll work on that. Maybe it will just all sell and I don’t have to worry about it.

Also I have a rubber tote of all the summer stuff I need to probably put in boxes til it is in season. But I’m pretty much out of boxes right now. I didn’t set my sites high enough I guess.

On another note I can’t decide if this looks like I sell a lot or very little on Ebay. I guess it depends on how full those boxes are. Hmmm…

If you have a way to organize your Ebay stuff or anything you sell online let me know! I’d love ideas so if this doesn’t work out I have a back up plan!

I’d love to have an EBAY ROOM like Kelly with My Dear Trash.

Maybe someday!!

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