I didn’t do good on the reselling side of things. Everyone had high priced clothing or it was winter clothing.
But I got a few things for the house:
This pillow was my first purchase. It is missing 1 button. I think I will keep it but if I find a matching button I might sell it, or use it to make another one like it!

Love the ends!

The next thing was a spice rack complete with very strong smelling spices!

Some of them I will use and some I won’t. I don’t need the rack but I love the uniform jars! Thinking of using chalk labels on them. For $1 I can’t loose!
Now this was a random purchase! I first heard and ordered my ultimate cloth after reading this article. They had a promo where you only paid shipping so I got my cloth. Now these are a different brand but seem to work the same way. You only need water to make them work and you can reuse them alot. And there is some freezer cloth in the bunch. Not sure what that is yet!
Anyway, I got this pack for 50 cents.

Then I got some video’s for the kids, 25 cents each, and some lotion from a lady who gets lotion a bunch but is allergic to it. Aren’t these bath and body work bottles like $10 each? The purple one is Avon. Sweet! I have plans on making a “You-just-had-a-baby-so-spoil-yourself” package for friend’s I know who have babies so I’m looking for cute bottles to hold all these lotion and stuff I’ve collected!

I then picked this brand new sign up for $2. Original price tag said it was $19.50. They hadn’t even taken the cardboard off the back to hang it up!

When I showed this next purchase to my husband I told him I felt like I was bringing him record holders or something vintage like that! LOL. These are for my son’s VHS that don’t have cases. I’ve been looking for something uniform. I got these and a few other Black cases for $1

And this last item I’m not sure why I got. It is being used as my change jar at the moment. It just caught my attention 3 times and was only 50 cents. Hopefully it won’t end up in my next garage sale!

Linking to:
Young & Crafty
Ninth Street Notions
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