Saturday, August 19, 2017

Book Review: The promise of Breeze Hill by Pam HIllman

Pam Hillman writes a highly imaginative tale that draws you in and makes you forget there is a world outside the book you are reading. The Promise of Breeze Hill is a stirringly passionate story that starts out with a man willing to become an indentured servant in order to bring his 3 brothers from Ireland to America. Much to his chagrin, a woman purchases his indenture and he begins his years of service by repairing their burnt out wing. The plot thickens and he discovers a full out attack on the estate is in progress to kill off the current and future heirs of Breeze Hill estates.
The romance is more than the underlining story in this book with great attraction at every turn. I would not recommend it to the younger generation because of this.
With lots of twists and turns this book, this author shows just how much entertainment can be found between the pages of a book.
Book provided for my review.

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