Friday, January 6, 2017

Book Reviewing: The scoop.

Y'all may have noticed I've started posting book reviews. I'm finally out of the stage of babies and have a *little* more time to read!
So the library and these book reviews have been a great source for me. From the library I get the books I'm interested and from the book reviews there is a smaller section of books that I chose from that I'm interested in.
I've read book that I would have passed by on shelves that have changed my life. For instance:
I had never heard of Kevin Butcher but that is a preacher who not only loves but can write about how well he loves!
That's pretty awesome.

I wanted to open up this free blogging opportunity to others. The requirements are that you have a blog to post the review on, it has to be an active blog with readers, and you need to be able to post on Amazon or some such place so they get a public store review as well.

This is the publishing house I use and they have been very good to me.

I hope this inspires others to read more! Free books can do that! 

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