
Monday, September 26, 2011

Round up of odd things sold!


Tennis/golf skirts are still selling well, with any brand. Though I am clueless to why this one has an upside down pocket on the back. Anyone know?

Tennis skirt2

Wimbledon white and green tennis or golf skirt/ skort. Sold for $6

I picked up these at a garage sell for very cheap:


Supercloth the European cleaning secret 3 pack floor Sold for $6 with shipping!


Thomas the train compatible pieces wooden train set signs.buildings.trees/animal= $1.26

I know they didn’t sell for much but someone got an awesome deal I and I don’t have to pick them up off my floor with all my son’s train set. Yay!

I know I talked about the grab bags I’ve been getting. Well, they are paying for themselves! Now, I haven’t discovered any $100 items but at least I can support my habit! LOL!

 Bought in a grab bag for .45 cents with a whole but of other things

Sold for .99 plus shipping

Sold this rabbit for $1.75 after a bidding war of 3 bids. Shipping was $1. Not bad for getting it in a grab bag for .45 cents!


I also got this Yoshi  which I sold for .99 to someone in Sweden willing to pay $17 shipping! Maybe he is hard to find in Sweden?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My “Full Price” experiment.

I recently tried an experiment on buying clothing. I found a wrap dress, very popular this summer, that wasn’t on sell


Wrap dress


Not bad but when I took the $6.98 I paid for the dress out and shipping and fees my total was only $5.29.

Buying at the lowest price seems like it would have worked better in this case.

However I will take the 5 bucks I made!

Here is an item I paid $.99 for. I know it isn’t the same article of clothing by any stretch but bare with me.

Tennis skirt

Lija size Med Pink golf skirt with ruffle in back. Tennis skirt.

Sold for $12.59 plus $4.75 shipping. Made me $14.09 after cost were taken out!

Ahhh, that’s better!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Surprise high bid items!


You can sell anything on Ebay. Anything. We all know this. But with the recent 150 free items to list I put this theory to the test!

Here is what happened:


This is a “super cloth” I picked up at a garage sale for less than $1. I really don’t remember. I sold it today for a total of $11. Yay me!


I purchased a few Monopoly games for $.45 each and this is the money from one of them. A guy in Canada paid $6.50 for this little pile!


These train set pieces also came in a $.45 cent bag. I’ve made my money back about 50 times with that bag! Sold for: $5.26.

Now, I know this doesn’t mean I’m making hundred’s of dollars worth of stuff sold but each little item gets shipped out my door it means two things.

  • I just made some money
  • I just got rid of something

Both are a huge success. If I sold it than that usually means I did a good job buying it! Or at least made my money back!



Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cold, wet and “I don’t feel so good” days.


Well, my hubs got to go back to work today and I’m home with the kids. I really need to do some grocery shopping. I mean like we are out of butter and almost out of flour and sugar kind of need. However, I think I might fall over if I try to do that so I’m staying home and we can just live off hot chocolate. I’m pretty sure I did that as a young tike and it work so I know we will succeed. At least until my mom catches us…well, that is what happened to me before.

Anyway! I needed something to keep the older two (ages 4 and 2) entertained while I got caught up on the laundry and dishes. Well, I’m not caught up but they were entirely entertained! At least while I was making it!


We, like so many other American family’s received a train set for Christmas. I found someone selling more of the peices for $10 on Craigslist and added them. We now have a nice size train set and my son goes through phases of playing with it. Right now he is in a phase of reading books. Probably because our awesome new behind-the-door bookshelf my husband made!

I don’t know what made me thing of doing this. We haven’t ever set the train set up on the table but this time was special so this is what we did:


IMG_2118 IMG_2119 IMG_2120 IMG_2117  

Now if your son is anythign like mine then you know that 5 inches of that road with the yellow lines can entertain for up to 1 hour! He loved it! And then we went outside to get plants and our “wood pile” the bulldozer is moving so it was personalize it a touch more.

While I was sleeping…


This is how I woke up feeling on Wednesday morning…around 2am nonetheless.

So the next day my hubby, for the FIRST TIME EVER! Took the day off to stay home and take care of the kids. Well he did far more than just that!

To start he put me to bed then set up his saw.


Then he took some of these from our attic:


And this space behind the door to the kids room":


And used these kind of tools:


And turned it into this!!!

  IMG_2111 IMG_2112


Amazing huh?

This is what our kid’s books looked like before! Needless to say we don’t have a ton of space in our house so behind the door was the perfect bookshelf!


Now, there are a few things I believe we would do different next time. The shelves are perfect in size but they really need a 1x3 or 1x4 as the front part so they don’t fall off the shelf easily. Every time  my daughter grabs a book from the back the all fall off. But the kids are learning and have started looking at all their books now that they don’t have to dig though that bin to get to them! Yay!

Thank you hubby! For this and for feeding the kids and I and making me sleep and for the prayers and all the clean up of everything! You are so awesome!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Great background! Game board

I just found a great background for taking pictures of smaller items.


A monopoly board! Just set it up backwards and it works great!



It is actually rather tall as well. And it doesn’t reflect! I love it!


Just thought I’d pass it along since there are 150 free listings today! Go hogwild!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Craigslist! I’m back!


Well, I took a long sabbatical from Craigslist but I am back! I got in the mindset that eBay was easier because I can just walk out to my mailbox. But eBay can take 7+ days to sell and then the money goes to paypal, then you can do something with it but you never REALLY see it. I REALLY like cash in hand!

I got this bed at the thrift store’s spontaneous “all furniture is 1/2 off right now” sale.


And no, that is not my garage. Want to know how lazy I am? I stole this photo from Google image search! It is the same bed but I didn’t have the slates or the hardware for the one I got for $7.50. I thought about keeping it. I could paint it black and it would totally match the kid’s room furniture! But I really don’t need any more furniture anywhere in my house. So I thought about painting it white so it would resale better. But without the slates I couldn’t really set it up for a good picture. So I decided to flip it for the few bucks I could get out of it. I listed it for $25 or $39 if I painted it black or white and I got 2 calls the first day with a return call the second day and a pick up! Score! I sold it for $20 and felt great cuz it was an awesome grandparent couple who were sooo sweet!

I never took it out of my car until they met me and they met me at my church where I was at for a meeting…didn’t even spend gas. It was a $12.50 turn over which is small for furniture, but I have a happy older couple with a bed for their kids and a happy husband, who never saw the bed outside the van, and $20 in my pocket to go thrifting with! I’d say it is a win win win!

I know. It doesn’t take much to excite me.

I did get inspired and reposted a breast pump I got much earlier this summer.


The lady at the garage sale was giving it away and thinking I could use it for my sister-in-law I picked it up but now it is just collecting dust in my closet so after having little luck selling it earlier I posted it back on and had 2 questions about it within the 1st 30 minutes. One said she wasn’t interested in it but the other is still asking questions.